Download the latest version FM WhatsApp app apk update for free. About FM WhatsApp APK for Android : WhatsApp Messenger is the most widely used instant messaging application in the world. It has 2 billion active users, but that doesn't mean everyone likes it or at least doesn't think it can be improved. That's why there are MODs like FM WhatsApp APK, also known as WhatsApp Plus or Fouad WhatsApp, which was developed based on the official app and extends its functions. Also, FMWhatsApp is free for anyone who wants to use it, although it improves on many aspects of the original, with privacy enhancements and greater flexibility in its customization. Features of FM WhatsApp APK : Interface Customization: It offers a personalized user interface with additional themes and customization options that can be tailored to the taste of the user. This includes app colors, font, and text size, among other options. Hide online status: allows you to hide your online status or the time of your last connection, while still being able to see the status of others. Sending large files: Extends the size limits for files sent by the platform, such as photos or videos. Two accounts on the same phone: It is possible to use FM WhatsApp APK alongside the official app or another MOD using two different phone numbers. Mass messaging: Mass messages can be sent to a group or to several contacts at the same time. Customization of icons and notifications: App icons and notifications can be customized according to personal preferences. Anti-ban mode: includes an anti-ban mode that protects user accounts from being banned for using a modified application (this function does not always work correctly). More privacy by hiding statuses and chats: Users can hide their statuses and chats to maintain their privacy. Read deleted messages and statuses: Even if the user who sent or posted them deletes them, they can still be read. The double blue tick only appears once the message has been replied to: the sender of a message will not see the double blue tick that indicates that the recipient has read it until it will not have been contextualized. Call blocking: Incoming calls from selected users can be blocked. App Lock: Provides the option to block access by fingerprint, PIN or gesture pattern, as well as add a security question, to protect privacy. Interface Theme Store: Dozens of themes can be downloaded to apply a predefined aesthetic style and even design your own. Automatic reply: it is possible to configure automatic replies to messages. Do Not Disturb Mode: It has a “DND” (Do Not Disturb) mode with which you can silence incoming calls and messages from all contacts, and you can set whitelists with exceptions. Keywords of FM WhatsApp APK : whatsapp gb whatsapp download gb whatsapp download apk fm whatsapp fm whatsapp download gb whatsapp pro whatsapp download yo whatsapp fm whatsapp apk download yo whatsapp download whatsapp web whatsapp app whatsapp app download whatsapp apk whatsapp api whatsapp apple watch whatsapp apk download whatsapp android whatsapp account whatsapp app free whatsapp app download free for android app whatsapp an whatsapp download apk gb whatsapp apk gb whatsapp download app whatsapp web apk whatsapp business apk fm whatsapp a dp for whatsapp about status for whatsapp an whatsapp download free whatsapp business whatsapp business account whatsapp backup whatsapp business download whatsapp business web whatsapp beta whatsapp browser whatsapp background whatsapp business api whatsapp blocked business whatsapp blue whatsapp business whatsapp download best dp for whatsapp blue whatsapp download backup whatsapp bio for whatsapp business whatsapp apk beta whatsapp Enjoy and share this app with your friends on Whatsapp, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facetime, Imo, Medium, VK,Reddit and more.